Why Ending the Modular Home Trend is a Terrible Idea


Modular homes are all the rage these days, and for good reason—they make construction and housing much more affordable and eco-friendly, as well as give home buyers more options to choose from, at lower costs than traditional homes. But while they’re all the rage now, that doesn’t mean we can’t end this trend and go back to building stick-built houses again. Here’s why ending the modular home trend is a terrible idea.

Part 1: The Pros
In general, people have misconceptions about modular homes. They assume modular homes are low quality or that their construction process lacks integrity. These assumptions are false and not supported by facts. If you are considering purchasing a new home, there’s no reason to think that modular homes aren’t just as high quality as traditionally built homes. The manufacturing of modular homes involves many steps to ensure construction integrity and long-term stability with proper care; it’s also done in an environmentally friendly way, which means it won’t add waste to landfills as quickly.

Part 2: The Cons
Although there are plenty of benefits to modular homes, there are many myths and misconceptions that may keep homeowners from truly appreciating their quality. From fire safety to concerns about homeless people living in pre-fabricated dwellings, there’s more misinformation than fact when it comes to affordable prefab housing. The truth is that modular construction delivers an exceptionally high level of standardization across every part of your home. But with all those pros comes some cons… . Here’s a list of those downsides you should be aware of before investing in modular homes

Part 3: Why Everyone Wants This Type of Home
In recent years, modular homes have become more and more popular. It seems like everyone wants to live in one of these trendy homes. Yet there are some naysayers out there who say that everything about these homes are wrong, and that they’re not a good idea at all. This couldn’t be further from the truth; here’s why: __________________________________________________________________________________________

Part 4: The Downside
Trouble Ahead? The modular home industry has had a positive reputation up until recently with many customers raving about their efficiency and convenience. However, with so many new building companies popping up overnight it’s impossible to ensure that all homes are built to be safe for anyone purchasing them. Without proper regulations, homebuyers are faced with unsafe living conditions. Yes these issues have been widely publicized but without action from legislators it’s just not enough to keep people safe in an increasingly fast paced housing market. It’s going to take time and money to deal with these issues – two things which aren’t very high on our legislative agenda right now – but eventually action will need to be taken if we want modular homes as safe as standard homes again.

Part 5: What You Need to Know Before Buying One
Manufactured homes are nothing new. They’ve been around since 1934 and serve an important niche in housing. That said, they’re not without their downsides. Let’s take a look at some of what you need to know before buying one
So why don’t we see them everywhere? For starters, people love brand names — and modular homes tend to be overlooked when consumers look for quality over a name. People also confuse modular homes with mobile homes, which aren’t built on-site like traditional ones but instead come already built in pieces that are transported by truck when purchased. Another big issue? It may sound strange but modular home production has declined over time as demand hasn’t increased alongside it. Largely that’s because fewer builders have turned away from conventional construction or simply don’t want to deal with having them fabricated on-site due to higher costs and planning required — although any builder can still design your home using our factory instead of on site!

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