If you’re looking to construct your own shed but aren’t sure where to start, it can be overwhelming to consider the number of designs and materials that are available to you. Luckily, there are lots of simple shed designs that will get you off on the right foot. In this guide on 5 simple shed designs to help you get started, we’ll take a look at several popular options that are straightforward to plan and build while still being effective and useful in their use.
1) A Pre-Fabricated Storage Shed
When constructing a storage shed, you have two choices: build it yourself or buy a pre-fabricated kit. Pre-fabricated kits are much easier and require less time, effort and materials than building from scratch. They also offer some advantages over self-built sheds in that they’re protected from bad weather (so long as you store them properly), come with instructions (which is good for beginners) and often include warranties. However, don’t forget that almost all pre-made things cost more than their DIY counterparts; if price is your primary concern, then go for it. If not, a pre-fabricated shed may be just what you need.
2) A Basic Wooden Shed
Wooden sheds are by far one of the most common shed types you’ll come across, and they’re also incredibly easy to construct. They’re just four walls and a roof, but you’ll still need to make sure everything is square, level and plumb (think about it as making sure all your corners are perfect 90-degree angles). To do that, you can use a framing square or even a standard yardstick. I’d recommend using pressure-treated wood for strength if possible; not only will it last longer than other types of wood (which makes sense because it’s treated with chemicals), but it’s also easier on tools—pressure-treated lumber is prone to splintering when cut improperly.
3) An Addition To An Existing Structure
If you want to build a shed in your yard, but you don’t have a lot of free space, you can install it as an addition onto your existing structure. If you live in a house with an attached garage, for example, you could turn that area into a place for storage or other uses. And if your home is lacking in storage room altogether, adding an outbuilding like a shed could add valuable living space and extra room for more stuff. A great way to save on costs associated with building larger structures from scratch is by simply adding onto something that already exists. It’s also easier than trying to build out of new materials!
4) Shelves, Racks and Other Simple Solutions
Shelves are an easy way to add a large amount of storage in one go. This can be something as simple as a couple of shelves built onto an existing wall, or perhaps some shelving you bought off-the-shelf that you can easily fix into place. If you have time on your hands and more money than sense, take a look at IKEA’s HEMNES bookcase—it’s probably not what we had in mind when we said simple design, but it has so many configurable options that we almost broke our calculator trying to work out how much space it could hold! Rack systems are also great for maximizing storage space, particularly if your shed is going to live outside.
5) Bonus: How To Easily Build Your Own DIY Deck
It doesn’t take a degree in construction or engineering to build your own deck. If you want a deck on your house, it’s easy enough for almost anyone with access to basic tools and some determination. Just follow these simple steps. You don’t need any special training or certification for most homeowners-association projects—and once you learn how, you can even start bidding jobs out yourself if you want—so get started on building your dream deck today!